Thursday 15 September 2016

Do you know that Energy-efficient windows can help to reduce your home’s energy?

When you choose a double glazing company you can choose energy efficient windows which can save you money on power bills and can help to reduce your home’s energy usage.

Do you know that you can calculate your potential savings when you choose energy-efficient glazing? Yes, that's right. You can calculate how much you could save by installing energy-efficient window systems in your home by using GGF calculator.

You can follow steps to calculate energy-efficient windows:

1.You can find a calculator on GGF's website or click here.
2. You will find a page like this where you can also enter what you expect to spend on replacing your windows into the calculator, in order to find out how long it would take you to recoup your investment in the form of energy savings.
3. You can follow the instructions and it will show the potential savings.